Cim Finance has been offering financial solutions to consumers, SMEs and large corporates since 1987 and currently has over 1000 employees with close to 100 retail points-of-sale across Mauritius.
Over the past 38 years, Cim Finance has played a critical role in driving both economic growth and social progress. Our main purpose is to help people achieve their ambitions, as we believe that finance can be a key enabler of social and economic progress when it is dealt with in the right way.
CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’ or the ‘Company’) is listed on The Stock Exchange of Mauritius and is classified as a public interest entity under the Financial Reporting Act 2004. It is required to adopt and report on its corporate governance practices in accordance with the National Code of Corporate Governance (2016) (the ‘Code’).
The Board of CIM Financial Services Ltd (CFSL) is responsible for the oversight and strategic direction of the Group. The Management team is responsible for the day-to-day running of CFSL. Find out more about our Board and management team.
Cim Financial Services Ltd (CFSL) is engaged in creating sustainable value creation in its core clusters namely: the Finance and Investments clusters. Our latest financial statements, annual report and share price information are available to help put the Group’s financial performance into perspective.
The Group has set up a hire business in Kenya under the name of Cim Credit Kenya, a Fintech Consumer Finance business and has also invested into Fundkiss, a peer to peer investment platform.
Our people are at the heart of our business strategy and success. We focus on equal employment opportunity, diversity and inclusion in our recruitment process, making sure that we attract candidates from all backgrounds.
View the latest news on the Group and explore the latest articles published.
You have a question on our services or you need assistance on a specify subject? Kindly fill our contact form and one of our team members will get back to you shortly.
CIM Financial Services Ltd ® ('CFSL') a company incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius with business registration number C07057494 and VAT Reg. No. 20328896 holds Credit Finance, Factoring, Leasing and Insurance Agent licences issued by the Financial Services Commission (‘FSC’). CFSL is registered as controller in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2017. The FSC does not take responsibility for the correctness of any statements made or opinions expressed in this advertisement. Please seek professional advice before investing or taking any service proposed in this advertisement.
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