CFSL Abridged Audited FS Year Ended 30 September 2024
For the year ended 30 September 2024, Cim Financial Services Ltd’s bottom line result amounted to MUR 1,107M.
During the last 12 months, the Group continued to experience growth in its consumer finance and leasing books, following the positive momentum and economic sentiment felt during the financial year. The Group was however not spared from the increasing funding cost and the inflationary effect on operational expenses affecting the local market. Collections remained steady and the strategic initiatives taken previously resulted in an improved overall loan book with a lower allowance for credit impairment during the year.

CFSL-Final Dividend Notice 2024
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CFSL has declared a final dividend of MUR 0.52 per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of the Company. This dividend is in respect of the financial year ended 30 September 2024 and will be payable in full to all the shareholders of the Company registered at close of business on 07 January 2025.

CFSL-Notice-16 December 2024
Notice is hereby given that the abridged audited financial statements of CFSL for the year ended 30 September 2024 have been approved by way of written resolutions dated 16 December 2024.

Communique - Green Bonds - 15.11.2024
Further to the communiqué released by CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) on 13 August 2024, CFSL is pleased to announce that it has issued MUR 2,000,000,000 of notes under the MUR 9,000,000,000 medium term note programme (the ‘MUR 9bn Programme’) set out in the listing particulars dated 15 November 2024 (the ‘Listing Particulars’).

CFSL-Communique-Medium Term Note Programme-13 August 2024
The Board of Directors (the ‘Board’) of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) wishes to inform its shareholders, noteholders, and the public in general that it has approved the issuance of notes for a targeted aggregate nominal amount of up to MUR 2,000,000,000 under its existing MUR 9,000,000,000 Medium Term Note Programme (the ‘Notes’).

Abridged Unaudited Statements–Period Ended 30 June 2024
For the 9 months ended 30 June 2024, CIM Financial Services Ltd’s bottom line amounted to MUR 768M. The third quarter continued to show encouraging momentum in the retail and automotive sectors, translating into satisfactory disbursement levels in the Consumer Finance and Leasing segments of the Group. The asset book experienced further growth with an improved performance. Collection efforts and results remained on target.

CFSL-Notice-13 August 2024
Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CFSL for the nine months and quarter ended 30 June 2024 have been approved by the Board on 13 August 2024.

Credit Cards - Unlock up to Rs. 20,000 in Cashback
From 26th June to 25th July 2024, Cim Credit Cardholders have the exclusive chance to earn incredible Cashback rewards!

Cim Finance EURO 2024
Du 14 juin au 14 juillet, chaque demande de crédit approuvée chez Cim Finance vous permet de participer à notre loterie.

Abridged Unaudited Statements–Period Ended 31 March 2024
For the half-year ended 31 March 2024, CIM Financial Services Ltd’s bottom line amounted to MUR 476.7M. With the retail and automobile sectors showing resilience on the local front, we benefited from a continued positive traction in the Consumer Finance and Leasing segments over the semester, translating into improved revenue line and asset base. Collection trends have also been consistently encouraging month-on-month.

CFSL-Dividend Notice-15 May 2024
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CFSL has declared an interim dividend of MUR 0.21 per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of CFSL. This dividend is in respect of the financial year ending 30 September 2024 and will be payable in full to all the shareholders of the Company registered at close of business on 03 June 2024.

Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CFSL for the six months and quarter ended 31 March 2024 have been approved by the Board on 15 May 2024.

Further to the communique issued on 10 January 2024, the Board of CFSL is pleased to announce that Mr. Tioumitra Panday Woogra (Ambrish) Maharahaje has been appointed as Group CEO and Executive Director of CFSL effective 1st April 2024.

CFSL-Abridged Unaudited Statements–Period Ended 31 Dec 2023
For the period ended 31 December 2023, CIM Financial Services Ltd’s bottom line result amounted to MUR 231.2M. Revenue level has shown progress on the back of the growth in asset portfolio. The impact of the increase in refinancing cost for the Group has been mitigated by adjustments made to lending rates.

CFSL - Notice - 12 February 2024
Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) for the quarter ended 31 December 2023 have been approved by the Board on 12 February 2024.

The Board of CFSL wishes to inform its shareholders and the public that Mr. Mark van Beuningen has resigned as Group Chief Executive Officer of the Company with effect from 31st March 2024.
To ensure a smooth transition, the Board has appointed Mr. Ambrish Maharahaje as Interim Group Chief Executive Officer subject to relevant regulatory approvals.

CIM Finance - UEFA Champions League 2024
Access the UEFA Champions League Semi-finals with your Cim Mastercard credit card!

Audited Financial Statements - Year Ended 30 September 2023
For the year ended 30 September 2023, the Group’s bottom-line result amounted to MUR 961M.

CFSL - Notice- 20.12.2023
Notice is hereby given that the abridged audited financial statements of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) for the year ended 30 September 2023 have been approved by the Board
on 20 December 2023.

CFSL - Final Dividend - 20.12.2023
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) has declared a final dividend of 38 cents per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of the Company.

Cim lance la deuxième édition de Cim Paye Ta Mensualité
Un/Une chanceux/chanceuse profitera jusqu'à Rs 60,000 de mensualité sur 1 an et 4 autres gagneront jusqu'à Rs 10,000 sur 2 mois.

CFSL-Communique-Listing of Notes -13.10.2023
Further to its communiqué dated 9 August 2023, CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) is pleased to announce that on 13 October 2023, the Listing Executive Committee of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd (the ‘SEM’) approved the listing of a new series of notes issued by CFSL on the Official Market of the SEM. The notes were part of a MUR 1,500,000,000 issuance via a private placement under a MUR 9,000,000,000 Medium Term Note Programme.

CFSL-Communique-Green Bonds-09.08.2023
The Board of Directors of CFSL is pleased to announce that:
- the company has successfully raised an amount of MUR 2.5Billion for a 4-year period by way of a private placement (the ‘Private Placement’) pursuant to Rule 4(3) of the Securities (Preferential Offer) Rules 2017 issued by the Financial Services Commission;...

Abridged Unaudited Statements - Period Ended 30 June 2023
The performance over the period has been satisfactory with growth in the consumer finance and leasing activities driving the top line whilst the increasing cost of funding continues to affect net interest income.

Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CFSL for the nine months and quarter ended 30 June 2023 have been approved by the Board on 09 August 2023.

CFSL - Communique - 19 July 2023
Further to the communiqué issued on 10 March 2023, the Board of Directors of CFSL is pleased to announce that following regulatory approval obtained, the acquisition of a controlling stake in Loinette Capital Limited has been completed.

Grand Jeu MoFinans
Êtes-vous prêt à relever un nouveau défi ? Venez jouer avec Appi pour découvrir tous les avantages de l’application MoFinans et de l'Instant Payment (IPS by MauCAS). Des bons d’achats d’une valeur de Rs500 à gagner ! 🎁

Invitation for Request for Proposals - Informix Resources
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders who can supply Informix resources for the maintenance and enhancement of existing Informix-4gl code base, and/or assist in Informix data migration services, to submit their bid as per the RFP document.

Invitation For Expression of Interest-Extension of Deadline
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having THREE or more implementations of which ONE in Mauritius and/or EMEA/APAC countries, to express interest for the implementation of a SaaS Issuing and Payment Acquiring Platform, as more fully described in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.

Invitation For Expression of Interest-Extension of Deadline
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having THREE or more implementations of which ONE in Mauritius and/or EMEA/APAC countries, to express interest for the implementation of a SaaS Issuing and Payment Acquiring Platform, as more fully described in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.

CFSL - Communique - Bonds - 11.05.2023
Further to its communiqué dated 31 March 2023, CFSL is pleased to announce that on 08 May 2023, the Listing Executive Committee of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd (the ‘SEM’) approved the listing of two new series of notes issued by CFSL on the Official Market of the SEM. The notes were part of a MUR 2,590,200,000 issuance via a private placement...

Abridged Unaudited Statements - Period Ended 31 March 2023
For the period ended 31 Mar 2023, CFSL’s bottom line result amounted to MUR 413.9M. The performance over the period has been encouraging with asset growth driving the revenue line. However, in an environment where key base rate is on the ascent, CFSL’s cost of funds has also been on the rise.

Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CFSL for the six months and quarter ended 31 March 2023 have been approved by the Board on 11 May 2023.

CFSL-Interim Dividend 2023
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CFSL has declared an interim dividend of MUR 0.18 per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of CFSL. This dividend is in respect of the financial year ending 30 September 2023 and will be payable in full to all the shareholders of the Company registered at close of business on 30 May 2023.

Invitation For Expression of Interest
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having THREE or more implementations of which ONE in Mauritius and/or EMEA/APAC countries, to express interest for the implementation of a SaaS Issuing and Payment Acquiring Platform, as more fully described in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.

CFSL - Communique - 31 March 2023
Further to its communique dated 7 February 2023, the board of directors (the ‘Board’) of CFSL wishes to inform investors and the public in general that the debt capital markets transaction to raise MUR 2 billion in Senior Unsecured debt via the issuance of 3 year and 5 year notes was oversubscribed.

CFSL - Communique - Loinette- 10.03.2023
The Board of CFSL is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement for the acquisition of a controlling stake in Loinette Capital Limited, subject to the approval of the relevant regulators as well as
other conditions precedent.

Nouveau Partenariat
Pran enn moman pou relaaaaax!
Prendre des vacances ou séjourner dans un hôtel ne devrait pas être un luxe.

CFSL - Communique - 07 February 2023
The Board of CFSL wishes to inform its shareholders and the public in general that it has approved the creation of a new MUR 9bn Medium Term Note Programme (“Programme”). This Programme will align with the FSC Guidelines for the Issue of Corporate and Green Bonds in Mauritius and will support CFSL’s funding strategy by facilitating the issuance of both traditional debt and green bonds.

Abridged Unaudited Statements–Period Ended 31 Dec 2022
For the period ended 31 December 2022, CFSL’s bottom line result amounted to MUR 195.9M. Whilst revenue level have shown continued progress on the back of the growth in asset portfolio, interest expense has increased following the increases in CFSL’s cost of fund.

CFSL - Notice - 07 February 2023
Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CFSL for the quarter ended 31 December 2022 have been approved by the Board on 07 February 2023.

Félicitations a nos 10 heureux gagnants Mo rapid, Mo gagnan
Notre loterie MoFinans « Mo rapid, Mo gagnan » est terminée. Le tirage au sort à eu lieu hier en présence des représentants de la GRA. Félicitations à nos 10 heureux gagnants.

CFSL - Communique - 28 December 2022
Further to the communiqué issued on 23 December 2022 with regards to the declaration of a final dividend of MUR0.24 per share, the Board of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) wishes to inform the investing public that as Monday 03 January 2023 has been declared a public holiday, the cum-dividend and ex-dividend dates for trading in the shares of the Company have changed.

Abridged Audited Statements-Year Ended 30 September 2022
For the year ended 30 September 2022, CIM Financial Services Ltd’s bottom line result amounted to MUR 601.3M. Whilst the Group continued to support its most affected customers with rescheduling options, progress on collection side remained steady for the year.

CFSL - Final Dividend - 23 December 2022
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) has declared a final dividend of MUR 0.24 per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of the Company.

CFSL - Notice- 23 December 2022
Notice is hereby given that the abridged audited financial statements of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) for the year ended 30 September 2022 have been approved by the Board on 23 December 2022.

Cim Finance lance Noubiznes, un tremplin pour les PME
Mieux accompagner les PME dans leur transformation, avec du financement mais aussi des conseils d’experts, du « mentoring » et du « networking ». C’est l’ambition de Noubiznes, le programme d’accélération qu’a lancé Cim Finance le jeudi 3 novembre. L’événement s’est tenu au Caudan Arts Centre, en présence du ministre des Services financiers et de la bonne gouvernance, M. Mahen Seeruttun. Partenaire privilégié des PME depuis plus de 25 ans...

Terms and Conditions on E-Communication
Passez à l’e-statement de Cim Finance et vous serez gagnant/e sur toute la ligne!
Ecologique, simple, rapide, service 24/7 gratuit et sécurisé, ce service vous permet de une meilleure gestion de votre carte de crédit Cim, où que vous soyez.

CFSL - Communique - Amalgamation Tsusho Capital - 03.10.2022
The Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) wishes to inform its shareholders and other stakeholders that the amalgamation of Tsusho Capital (Mauritius) Ltd with and into CFSL has been completed and is effective from 01 October 2022.

Introducing MasterCard Travel Pass and phasing out LoungeKey
Starting 31 August 2022, you will need to download the MasterCard Travel Pass app to continue enjoying your airport lounge access with Cim Finance MasterCard®.

Invitation For Expression of Interest-Extension of Deadline
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having THREE or more implementations of which ONE in Mauritius and/or EMEA/APAC countries, to express interest for the implementation of a SaaS Digital Lending & Payment Splitting Platform, as more fully described in the Expression n of Interest (EOI) document.

Invitation For Expression of Interest
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having THREE or more implementations of which ONE in Mauritius and/or EMEA/APAC countries, to express interest for the implementation of a SaaS Digital Lending & Payment Splitting Platform, as more fully described in the Expression n of Interest (EOI) document.

CFSL - Communique - Amalgamation - 10.08.2022
The Board of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) wishes to announce that it has approved the proposed amalgamation of Tsusho Capital (Mauritius) Limited (‘Tsusho’) with and into CFSL, subject to obtaining relevant regulatory approvals.

CFSL - Notice - 10.08.2022
Notice is hereby given that the abridged unaudited financial statements of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the 'Company') for the nine months and quarter ended 30 June 2022 have been approved by the Board on 10 August 2022.

Unaudited Financial Statements Period Ended 30 June 2022
For the period ended 30 June 2022, the Group’s bottom line result amounted to MUR 438.2M, after an allowance for credit impairment. Progress was noted at the revenue level with respect to prior year resulting from an increase in asset base and following the recent acquisition of Tsusho Capital. Total Assets of the Group sat at MUR 19.2Bn at period close.

CFSL - Communique - Cim Forex - 21.07.2022
The Board of CIM Financial Services Ltd ('CFSL') is pleased to announce that following regulatory approval obtained, CFSL has sold its wholly owned subsidiary, Cim Forex Ltd to Swan General Ltd.

Invitation For Expresion of Interest
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having FIVE or more implementations of which at least one in Mauritius or EMEA countries, to express interest for the implementation of a Data Loss Prevention and Data Classification Solution, as more fully described in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.

Green Bonds: FSD Africa
Did you know that Africa is one of the most climate-vulnerable continents in the world? Yet sustainable investment flows account for a mere three percent at the expense of low-income developing countries, hindering them from capitalizing on green investing. According to a study conducted by the Climate Policy Initiative, Africa’s climate change financing requires USD 2.8 trillion each year to implement its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

GRAND JEU-CONCOURS - Cim paye ta mensualité !
GRAND JEU-CONCOURS - Gagnez jusqu'à Rs. 5,000 sur votre prochaine mensualité !

CFSL - Interim Dividend - 2022
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the ‘Company’) has declared an interim dividend of Rs. 0.11 per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of the Company.

Communique for usage of cards issued only by local banks
We wish to inform you that, as from 1st June 2022, payments will be allowed using cards issued only by local banks on the electronic platforms of CIM Financial Services Ltd.

Jeu Concours Fête des Mères 2022
Chères Mamans, Cim Finance s'occupe de vous et de vos mensualités pour les 6 prochains mois ! Eh oui, c'est cadeau

Unaudited Financial Statements Period Ended 31 March 2022
On the back of its lending book’s gradual but subdued growth, Cim’s Net Operating Income increased to MUR 1,238.7M for the period under review. The bottom line result of MUR 251.2M included an allowance for credit impairment of MUR 299.3M for its loan portfolio.

Invitation for Expression of Interest
CIM Financial Services Limited (hereinafter referred as “CFSL”) invites eligible and qualified bidders having FIVE or more implementations of which at least one in Mauritius or EMEA countries, to express interest for the implementation of an End-to-End Digital Insurance Platform on a software as a service (SAAS) basis, as more fully described in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.

Jouez et tentez de gagner des billets pour D'Jal
Avec Cim Finance, jouez et tentez de gagner des billets pour le nouveau spectacle de D'Jal: A Coeur Ouvert ❤
C’est Délirant, C’est Déchanté, C’est D’JAL qui vient nous faire rire avec son nouveau stand up. Un moment de partage et de fou rire, sponsorisé par Cim Finance !

CFSL - Communique - Tsusho Capital - 24.03.2022
Further to the communiqué issued on 16 December 2021, the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the 'Company') is pleased to announce that following regulatory approval obtained, the acquisition of Tsusho Capital (Mauritius) Limited by the Company has been completed.

Communiqué - Employee Share Options Scheme
Further to the Communiqués issued on 29 November 2021 and 14 January 2022 relating to the above-mentioned subject, the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) is pleased to announce that the ESOS has been approved during the Special Meeting of Shareholders of CFSL held on 11 February 2022.

Unaudited Financial Statements Period ended 31 December 2021
Cim Group posted a PAT of MUR 116.1M, an improvement on prior year figure of MUR 83.4M. The Group’s Operating Income increased by 17% for the period under review. The positive momentum experienced in the last financial year continued into the first quarter with an expansion of the lending book driving the growth in Operating Income.

Cim Finance issues Mauritius’ first Green Bond
Easing the financing of projects that contribute to a carbon neutral economy: this is the ethos behind the green bonds launched by CIM Financial Services Ltd (Cim Finance). The non-banking financial institution becomes the first Mauritian company to issue green bonds.

Notice of Special Meeting 2022
Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Shareholders of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the “Company” or “CFSL”) will be held in the conference room at The Oberoi Beach Resort, Turtle Bay, Pointe aux Piments on 11 February 2022 at 10:15 hours for the purpose of considering and if thought fit of passing with or without modification the resolutions stipulated below as special resolutions:...

Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders 2022
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the “Company”) will be held in the conference room at The Oberoi Beach Resort, Turtle Bay, Pointe aux Piments on 11 February 2022 at 09:30 hours to transact the following business:
1. To consider the Company’s Annual Report for 2021.
2. To receive the Auditors’ report for the year ended 30 September 2021.
3. To consider and approve the Company’s audited financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2021.

CFSL - Communique - Green Funding Programme - 14.01.2022
Further to the communiqué issued on 29 November 2021, the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the 'Company') is pleased to announce that the Company has allocated an amount of MUR500M (the ‘Notes’) to investors under its 5 year MUR3Bn Green Funding Programme.

Tap, Pay and Go with Cim Finance’s credit cards!
Cim Finance’s credit cardholders can now make their contactless transactions, with a limit of Rs 2,500 per transaction *.

CFSL - Communique - Tsusho Capital - 16.12.2021
The Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with CFAO SAS to acquire Tsusho Capital (Mauritius) Limited (‘Tsusho’), subject to obtaining relevant regulatory approvals.

Audited Financial Statements-Year Ended 30 September 2021
For the year ended 30 September 2021, Cim Group posted a PAT of MUR 417.1M, resulting in a better performance relative to prior year. The overall lending book continued to grow, albeit at a subdued level, with total assets of the Group progressing by 5% year on year to reach MUR 16.6Bn. Whilst we noted a more resilient consumer finance demand, our leasing business contracted during the year with a much lower level of disbursement as compared to pre COVID-19 period.

CFSL - Final Dividend
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the 'Company) has declared a final dividend of MUR0.20 per share payable in respect of all the ordinary shares of the Company.

CFSL - Communique - Fundkiss - 02.12.2021
The Board of CIM Financial Services Ltd ('CFSL') is pleased to announce that following regulatory approval obtained, CFSL has made a minority investment into Fundkiss Technologies Limited ('Fundkiss').

Cim Finance wins the People's Choice Awards
Cim Finance wins the People's Choice Awards in the category Financing Company.
We are extremely proud to have been elected by a public vote at MBN’s People's Choice Awards.

The Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) wishes to announce that it has approved:
a) the launch of a fund raising programme of MUR3BN (the ‘Green Funding Programme’) that it plans to implement and deploy over the next 5 years; and
b) the setting of an employee share option scheme (‘ESOS’) in favour of the employees of CFSL and its subsidiaries (the ‘CFSL Group’).

COVID-19 Communiqué – 13.10.2021
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de 361 de Vacoas a été testé positif à la COVID-19, le mardi 12 octobre 2021. L’employée s’était rendue sur son lieu de travail le jeudi 7 octobre 2021. Elle a été prise en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

COVID-19 Communiqué – 30.09.2021
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de Cim Finance de Curepipe a été testé positif à la COVID-19, le jeudi 30 septembre 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

COVID-19 Communiqué – 30.09.2021
Cim Finance informe le public que deux membres de son personnel ont été testés positifs à la COVID-19, le mercredi 29 septembre 2021. Le premier employé était en poste à la succursale de 361 de Curepipe et le second à la succursale de Cim Finance Flacq, Les deux employés ont été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

Avis de maintenance
Nous informons nos clients qu’un exercice de maintenance sera effectué sur nos plateformes digitales (Mo Finans, portail paiement en ligne et WhatsApp for SMEs), du jeudi 23 septembre au vendredi 24 septembre 2021, de 21h45 p.m à 03h00 a.m.

COVID-19 Communiqué – 22.09.2021
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de Courts Mammouth Elysian de Port Louis a été testé positif à la COVID-19, le mercredi 22 septembre 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

COVID-19 - Protocole en vigueur
Cim Finance informe le public qu’à l’annonce de cas positifs au sein de nos succursales ou comptoirs, les étapes suivantes sont suivies :
- Dès l’identification d’un employé positif à la COVID-19, l’employé est pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

COVID-19 Communiqué – 16.09.2021
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de Courts Mammouth Mahebourg a été testé positif à la COVID-19, ce jeudi 16 septembre 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

Nous avisons notre aimable clientèle et le public en général que notre succursale située à la rue Charles de Gaulle, Centre de Flacq, sera temporairement relocalisée, au premier étage de SIMS Complex (en face de la clinique Aegle), rue François Mitterand, Centre de Flacq, à partir du 17 septembre 2021.

COVID-19 Communiqué – 16.09.2021
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de 361 Rivière du Rempart a été testé positif à la COVID-19, le mercredi 15 septembre 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

COVID-19 Communiqué – 13.09.2021
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de Courts Mammouth Rivière du Rempart a été testé positif à la COVID-19, le dimanche 12 septembre 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale de Couts Mammouth Elysian de Port Louis a été testé positif à la COVID-19, ce mardi 24 août 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités. A noter que l’employé est complètement vacciné.

Loterie Cim Finance Euro 2021
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer les noms des gagnants de notre loterie Cim Finance Euro 2021 !

Financial Statements-Nine Months Ended 30 June 2021
For the period ended 30 June 2021, Cim Group posted a PAT of MUR 289.6M, an improved performance as compared to prior year of MUR 138.4M. Total assets of the Group increased by 4% year on year to reach MUR 16.3Bn.

COVID-19 Communiqué - 07.08.2021
Suite au communiqué émis hier, le 06 août 2021, Cim Finance informe le public que l’employé testé positif hier, a aussi été en poste à la succursale de Courts Mammouth de Flacq.

COVID-19 Communiqué
Cim Finance informe le public qu’un membre de son personnel travaillant à la succursale principale de Galaxy Goodlands a été testé positif à la COVID-19, ce vendredi 06 août 2021. L’employé a été pris en charge selon les protocoles établis par les autorités.

Mo Finans: L'application à nouveau opérationnelle.
Mis à jour!Nous vous informons que l'application mobile Mo Finans est à nouveau opérationnelle.Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée et nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Mo Finans: L'application temporairement hors de service
Nous informons nos clients que l’application mobile Mo Finans est temporairement hors-service.

En exclusivité la nouvelle innovation de Cim MoCrédit
Le bon plan auto de Cim Finance est désormais disponible. Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter en exclusivité cette nouvelle facilité de Cim MoCrédit pour assurer l’entretien de votre véhicule en toute sérénité.