Friday, 31 March 2023
Further to its communique dated 7 February 2023, the board of directors (the ‘Board’) of CFSL wishes to inform investors and the public in general that the debt capital markets transaction to raise MUR 2 billion in Senior Unsecured debt via the issuance of 3 year and 5 year notes was oversubscribed.
The issuance size of the notes has therefore been increased to MUR 2,590,200,000 and they have been assigned a AA rating by CARE Ratings (Africa) Private Limited. CFSL is making an application to have
them listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius.
By order of the Board
Cim Administrators Ltd
Company Secretary
31 March 2023
This communiqué is issued pursuant to Listing Rule 11.3 and Rule 5 of the Securities (Disclosure Obligations of Reporting Issuer) Rules 2007.
The Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (’CFSL’) accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this communiqué.