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Communiqué - Employee Share Options Scheme

Friday, 11 February 2022

Employee Share Options Scheme (‘ESOS’)

Further to the Communiqués issued on 29 November 2021 and 14 January 2022 relating to the above-mentioned subject, the Board of Directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘CFSL’) is pleased to announce that the ESOS has been approved during the Special Meeting of Shareholders of CFSL held on 11 February 2022.

This announcement is not an invitation to the public to subscribe for shares in CFSL and is provided for information purposes only.

By order of the Board
Cim Administrators Ltd
Company Secretary
11 February 2022

This Communiqué is issued pursuant to Listing Rule 11.3 and Rule 5 of the Securities (Disclosure Obligations of Reporting Issuer) Rules 2007.

The Board of directors of CIM Financial Services Ltd accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this notice.

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