Thursday, 20 January 2022
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CIM Financial Services Ltd (the “Company”) will be held in the conference room at The Oberoi Beach Resort, Turtle Bay, Pointe aux Piments on 11 February 2022 at 09:30 hours to transact the following business:
1. To consider the Company’s Annual Report for 2021.
2. To receive the Auditors’ report for the year ended 30 September 2021.
3. To consider and approve the Company’s audited financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2021.
“Resolved that the Company’s audited financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2021 be hereby approved.”
4. To re-elect Mr Timothy TAYLOR1 as Director of the Company to hold office until the next Annual Meeting in accordance with Section 138 (6) of the Companies Act 2001.
“Resolved that Mr Timothy TAYLOR be hereby re-elected as Director of the Company to hold office until the next Annual Meeting in accordance with Section 138 (6) of the Companies Act 2001.”
5. To re-elect Mr Louis Amédée DARGA1 as Director of the Company to hold office until the next Annual Meeting in accordance with Section 138 (6) of the Companies Act 2001.
“Resolved that Mr Louis Amédée DARGA be hereby re-elected as Director of the Company to hold office until the next Annual Meeting in accordance with Section 138 (6) of the Companies Act 2001.”
6. To re-elect by way of separate resolutions the following as Directors1 of the Company:
Mrs Aisha TIMOL, Messrs Fareedooddeen JAUNBOCUS, Denis MOTET, David SOMEN, Alexander Matthew TAYLOR, Colin Geoffrey TAYLOR, Philip Simon TAYLOR and Mark John VAN BEUNINGEN.
“Resolved that Mrs/Mr [*] be hereby re-elected as Director of the Company.”
V. Fareedooddeen JAUNBOCUS
VIII. Alexander Matthew TAYLOR
IX. Colin Geoffrey TAYLOR
X. Philip Simon TAYLOR
7. To appoint Messrs BDO & Co Ltd as auditors of the Company to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and to authorise the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration for the financial year 2021/2022.
“Resolved that Messrs BDO & Co Ltd be appointed as auditors of the Company to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and that the Board of Directors of the Company be hereby authorised to fix the auditors’ remuneration for the financial year 2021/2022.”
8. Shareholders’ question time.
By order of the Board
Cim Administrators Ltd
Company Secretary
20 January 2022
Note 1: A shareholder of the Company entitled to attend and vote at this meeting may appoint a proxy or a representative (in the case of a shareholder company), whether a shareholder of the Company or not, to attend and vote on his/her behalf. A proxy needs not be a shareholder of the Company.
Note 2: The instrument appointing the proxy or the representative should reach the Company Secretary, Cim Administrators Ltd, c/r Edith Cavell & Mère Barthélemy streets, Port-Louis, not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the Meeting or any adjourned meeting at which the person named on such instrument proposes to vote, and in default, the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.
Note 3: The Directors of the Company have resolved that, for the purposes of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders and in compliance with Section 120 (3) of the Companies Act 2001, only those shareholders whose names are registered in the share register of the Company as at 12 January 2022 will be entitled to receive this Notice and accordingly be allowed to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting.
Note 4: A proxy form and a corporate resolution form are included in the 2021 Annual Report. They are also available at the Registered Office of the Company, c/r Edith Cavell & Mère Barthélemy Streets, Port Louis and can also be downloaded on the Company’s website:
Note 5: The minutes of proceedings of the last Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on 10 February 2021 are available for consultation at the registered office of the Company during business hours.
Note 6: Appropriate social distancing and sanitary measures will be enforced during the meeting, in line with any prevailing guidelines.
Note 7: Should there be a full or partial lockdown on 11 February 2022, the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be postponed to a later date. We will communicate such dates through the media and via our website
1 Profiles and categories of the Directors proposed for re-election can be found on pages 22 to 26 of the Company’s Annual Report 2021.