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Abridged Audited Financial Statements - Year ended 2014

The Group posted a good set of results for the year ended 30 September 2014. Group revenue grew by 8% to Rs 3.5 billion. All business clusters performed better than last year and the combined Profit After Taxation (PAT) of the Group increased by 22% to Rs 598.5 million. Part of that uplift is attributable to the revaluation of our investment properties, but underlying profit after tax before gain on revaluation and exceptional items still grew by 23% to Rs 484.3 million. The revenue of the Finance cluster showed a small increase over last year but PAT for that cluster grew by 15% to Rs 250.0 million.

PAT of the Global Business cluster for the year was 7% higher than last year at Rs 170.1 million on marginally lower revenues.

The Property cluster grew its revenue to just over the Rs 100 million mark and increased its PAT significantly from Rs 38.0 million to Rs 154.2 million. The biggest contributor to the bottom line was a fair value gain on investment properties of Rs 111.1 million.

The Investments portfolio of the Group had an improved year. Revenue grew from Rs 1,496.8 million to Rs 1,746.1 million and PAT rose to Rs 52.8 million.

With a stronger balance sheet, we expect to continue growing our existing businesses and are actively looking for new opportunities to expand our service offerings and client base.

By order of the Board
Cim Administrators Ltd
Company Secretary
9 December 2014