CFSL Integrated Report 2021

40 C I M F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S L T D Human Capital (continued) H UM A N C A P I T A L TEAM BUILDING AN OPTIMISED AND EMPOWERED WORKFORCE The ongoing transformation of Cim Finance continues to rest on empowering our talent through our lifelong continuous learning approach. Despite the knock-on effects of COVID-19, we believe in the phrase “Never waste a crisis”. While this may sound like a cliché, this has never rung truer in our ecosystem, where our employees are given training and development opportunities to grow both professionally and personally. Empowering our employees is a key enabler in driving trust and engagement. During the year, we continued to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a new environment, putting particular emphasis on the adoption of digital learning. In parallel, we strengthened our leadership bench and emerging talents through Leadership Development Programmes in collaboration with our flagship global partners Gallup and Harvard. We organised team-building sessions to encourage teamwork and cohesiveness among colleagues. The different activities organised aimed at improving communication, collaboration, alignment, team values, motivation and in bringing a sense of belonging to the group.