CFSL Integrated Report 2021

57 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 R I S K M A N A G E M E N T RISK APPETITE In pursuing its strategic objectives and upon evaluation of threats and opportunities, Cim Finance has defined a risk appetite statement that defines the amount of risk we can afford to take, need to take and prefer to take in achieving our objectives. The Risk Appetite, along with the risk tolerance and limits, have been reviewed during the year to take into consideration the prevailing economic environment. These are independently monitored by the Risk Management team, who then reports them to the Risk Management forums and to the Board’s Risk Management Committee. RISK APPETITE PILLARS Capital Adequacy Market Risk IT and Cybersecurity Risk Portfolio and Credit Risk Operational Risk Legal and Compliance Risk Liquidity and Funding Risk Reputational Risk Business/ Strategic Risk