CFSL - Annual report 2018

The leaders who graduated from this course learned how to apply: • McKinsey Strategy Method; • A structured problem-solving approach; • Best leadership model; • Effective team capability. Now more than ever, faced with pressures from the business world and technology, Cim Finance Ltd is committed to giving its leadership team the appropriate tools and knowledge to transform them into great leaders. Building the skills for the future Higher education is a prerequisite to a better lifestyle, interesting career prospects and improvements in social life. Since 2017, Cim Finance Ltd has been offering 2 Scholarships per year for the African Leadership College (‘ALC’) Degree Programme to our loyal customers’ children under prescribed conditions.  The objective is to express our gratitude to our customers and to continue to serve the community in strengthening the social and economic fabric. In 2017 and 2018 respectively, 2 students have been selected and are currently following their courses at ALC.  The sponsorship program in place ensures that the students are guaranteed a career at Cim Finance Ltd further to successfully completing their respective courses, and they also benefit from a paid placement and from a mentoring/coaching program. Today the rate of unemployed graduates is rising and one of the main reasons for this growing un-employability is the skills mismatch between the tertiary bodies’ learning programs and the requirements of the job market.  As part of the HR Agenda 2017, Cim Finance Ltd registered as a preferred employer to support the Graduate Training for Employment Scheme (GTES) program under the aegis of the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC).  The company recruited 25 unemployed graduates and organised for their training and development, coupled with placement opportunities, for a period of one year, following which period this available pool of talents would be employed by the company.  Today out of the 25 individuals, 22 are employed in different departments of the company, which is an efficient way to fill in the organisation’s talent gap. While youth employment remains a global challenge and a top policy concern worldwide, the company has partnered with HRDC, for a number of years now, to provide Millennials with access to productive employment opportunities through the Youth Employment Program (YEP).  Cim Finance’s longstanding commitment and engagement to identify new talents, and to provide the latter with the appropriate environment to grow, required an integrated strategy, one that combines a multi-pronged and balanced approach which fosters pro-employment growth and decent job creation through on the job training, project-driven assignments, coaching and mentoring, promoting a culture of continuous learning, adaptability, growth and personal development. The 2017-2018 intake has been more than encouraging in producing empowered and transformed individuals ready to embrace a successful career at Cim Finance Ltd. Talent acquisition In line with the 2017 Talent Acquisition Strategy, in 2018 the focus was maintained on the objective to build a digital employment brand which would be highly visible, attractive and compelling for candidates to find Cim Finance. Faced with a tremendous pressure impacting on talent sourcing and recruitment due to talent and skill shortages, the TA team expanded the use of social media sites for sourcing and reached into all possible candidate pools and channels, including internal hires. A further shift in the sourcing strategy was made to make the hiring managers accountable for their decisions and we consequently partnered with the latter, leveraging their networks, cultural needs and success criteria. This, coupled with a focus on developing the Candidate Experience, has led the TA team to market Cim as a viable career option for Mauritian career seekers. Partnerships with universities have laid the ground work to promote Cim as young graduates’ first choice to “Jump start” their career. These partnerships also proved fruitful in educating young hopefuls on the vast 35 CIM FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2018