CFSL Integrated Report 2021

131 I N T E G R A T E D R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 The Groupmanages the net negative liquidity gaps through its undrawn bank facilities. Explanatory Notes 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 E x p l a n a t o r y N o t e s 4. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONT’D) 4.1 Financial risk factors (Cont’d) (e) Liquidity risk (Cont’d) Contractual maturities of undiscounted cash flows of financial assets and liabilities GROUP 30 September 2021 Up to 3 months MUR m 3 - 6 months MUR m 6 - 12 months MUR m 1 to 5 years MUR m Over 5 years MUR m Total MUR m Assets Cash and bank balances 341.8 - - - - 341.8 Deposits with banks 8.9 16.4 99.9 300.9 - 426.1 Net investment in leases and other credit agreements 1,739.7 1,235.7 2,196.1 4,773.2 102.7 10,047.4 Loans and advances 1,035.1 708.6 1,814.2 5,041.9 18.6 8,618.4 Investments securities - - 0.8 127.7 - 128.5 Other assets 320.7 2.3 2.6 - - 325.6 Total assets 3,446.2 1,963.0 4,113.6 10,243.7 121.3 19,887.8 Liabilities Other borrowed funds 2,861.5 62.6 125.2 6,501.9 280.5 9,831.7 Other liabilities 1,172.2 22.6 92.7 83.1 - 1,370.6 Lease liabilities 7.1 7.2 14.7 154.9 35.9 219.8 Total liabilities 4,040.8 92.4 232.6 6,739.9 316.4 11,422.1 Net liquidity gap (594.6) 1,870.6 3,881.0 3,503.8 (195.1) 8,465.7 30 September 2020 Up to 3 months MUR m 3 - 6 months MUR m 6 - 12 months MUR m 1 to 5 years MUR m Over 5 years MUR m Total MUR m Assets Cash and bank balances 460.7 - - - - 460.7 Deposits with banks 8.3 150.9 151.4 - 199.6 510.2 Net investment in leases and other credit agreements 1,814.0 1,238.0 2,195.9 5,124.8 114.6 10,487.3 Loans and advances 2,761.8 47.3 - 3,833.8 24.3 6,667.2 Investments securities - - 20.8 8.1 - 28.9 Other assets 127.6 - 185.6 - - 313.2 Total assets 5,172.4 1,436.2 2,553.7 8,966.7 338.5 18,467.5 Liabilities Other borrowed funds - - 4,681.0 4,875.1 280.5 9,836.6 Other liabilities 1,058.6 16.5 103.9 0.6 - 1,179.6 Lease liabilities 6.5 6.4 11.2 122.9 62.3 209.3 Total liabilities 1,065.1 22.9 4,796.1 4,998.6 342.8 11,225.5 Net liquidity gap 4,107.3 1,413.3 (2,242.4) 3,968.1 (4.3) 7,242.0 GROUP