CFSL Integrated Report 2023

Clean transportation summary Clean transportation projects Share of total disbursement % No of clean vehicles deployed Total estimated annual Kms Total annual GHG emissions avoided in KgCO2e Average GHG emissions avoided per car in KgCO2e Carbon intensity (+CO2e/MUR) per year (Based on Disbursement) Electric Vehicles 45.2 77 611,000 26,108 339 0.00079 Hybrids 28.2 219 1,649,000 338,915 1,548 0.00153 Plug-in hybrids 26.6 50 363,000 94,589 1,892 0.00040 TOTAL 100.0 346 2,623,000 459,612 0.00089 In addition, the total impact results of the green bond in the clean transportation category are still positive. This is equivalent to: 51,717 gallons of gasoline avoided 45,149 gallons of diesel consumed 514,836 pounds of coal avoided 1,063 barrels of oil avoided Source : Renewable Energy summary Number of projects Expected annual generation in kwh GHG emissions avoided (KgCO2e) Photovoltaic panels 1 17,115 16,341.4 The above shows the total impact results of the green bond in the renewable energy category which is still overwhelmingly positive. This is equivalent to: 1,605 gallons of diesel avoided 37.8 barrels of oil avoided 57 OUR YEAR AT A GLANCE OUR PEOPLE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS