CFSL Integrated Report 2023

Pillar 3 Energy transition Energy transition stands at the heart of our environmental initiatives. Cim Finance is proud to be actively helping Mauritians transition to green mobility and shaping a more climate-friendly future for our island through environmentally-impactful projects. In addition to decarbonising our own internal activities through the incorporation of hybrid vehicles in our fleet, and offering a car-charging facility for electric vehicles, our flagship project under our Energy Transition pillar is the Green Lease financing plan introduced in 2021. Since its launch, we are pleased to report that MUR 342 million have already disbursed and used to finance eligible green vehicles under the clean transportation category. To ensure that this transition is sustainable, it must be anchored in genuine awareness and consciousness. To this end, 60 employees received training on the science behind global warming and the impacts of climate change, such as greenhouse gases as the root cause and the economic sources of these gases. This knowledge empowers our team to provide stakeholders with accurate data and insights, and prepares them to respond to any queries and scenarios related to the Green Bond. Although these outcomes have exceeded our expectations in terms of the pace at which Mauritians are transitioning to green mobility using our Green Bond solution, these disclosures only serve as a baseline for the more comprehensive impact report that is currently being worked on and expected to be produced in March 2024. Alongside our digital solutions, which have played an instrumental role in reducing our overall paper consumption, we also carry out waste management initiatives through: an ongoing partnership with Molok bins, the elimination of single-use plastic, the use of filtered water taps, and the recycling of coffee pods, amongst others. In recognition of our efforts, we are honoured to have earned the top spot in the ‘Non-banking’ category at the Environmental Awards 2023, which testifies to our efforts towards environmental transformation and carbon footprint reduction. Consolidated data at portfolio level from January 2022 to December 2022 Clean Transportation Number of vehicles Disbursement amount (MUR ‘m) Electric Vehicles 32 91 Hybrids Vehicles 145 79 Plug-in hybrid Vehicles 57 172 Total 234 342 53 OUR YEAR AT A GLANCE OUR PEOPLE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS