CFSL Integrated Report 2023

Pillar 2 École Renganaden Seeneevassen in Cassis Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Drug Prevention Programme for the community – Family United Training Workshop ZEP school - École Renganaden Seeneevassen in Cassis In pursuit of our efforts to raise the level of education at École Renganaden Seeneevassen, we revamped the library and reorganised the space to be more inviting, and spark interest in reading among the children. In addition to that, between August 2023 and October 2023, we set up remedial after-school classes in an effort to enhance the academic achievements of 34 children in Grades 5 and 6. These sessions, conducted three times a week, provided personalised support for students requiring additional help, as well as refreshments and transportation. Through the Cim CSR Fund, we proudly initiated the Drug Prevention Programme - Families United Training Workshop, in collaboration with esteemed partners. The first workshop was graced by the presence of the Honourable Minister Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawo, and aimed to empower the community in the prevention of drug use. 60 participants from diverse organisations, including NGOs and certain national institutions, enthusiastically participated in the training and were equipped with the knowledge and tools to deliver primary drug prevention to parents, caregivers and young people within the community. To ensure the effectiveness and impact of this programme, an Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan were formulated, laying out how to transform the acquired skills into tangible actions, and how to measure and monitor the progress made. We are extremely grateful to the participating NGOs, who actively contributed to these discussions and imparted their deep knowledge of the topic. 60 participants from the National Empowerment Foundation, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation and 4 NGOs. Partners: National Drug Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 51 OUR YEAR AT A GLANCE OUR PEOPLE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS