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Communiqué for Card Payments

lundi, 24 juin 2019

Further to complaints received from the public in general and the intervention of the Ombudsperson for Financial Services regarding card payments, CIM FINANCE LTD wishes to bring the following clarifications:Pursuant to our POS merchant agreement, kindly be informed that both the...
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Middlesex National Secondary School Competition 2019

vendredi, 07 juin 2019 News On Sunday

Middlesex University Mauritius launched a national competition for all Upper Sixth students in secondary schools during the month of May to encourage them to come forward, show and share their knowledge about The future of Mauritius with the Metro Express - Economical, Social & Innovative...
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Les solutions d'affacturage aux entreprises

jeudi, 30 mai 2019 Le Défi Quotidien

Cim Finance propose l'affacturage ou Factoring comme solution aux entreprises du secteur privé faisant face aux nombreuses contraintes liées au marché de l'import/ export. Un atelier de travail a été organisé en ce sens récemment afin de mieux expliquer ce procédé aux entreprises. Il...
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De nouvelles cartes émises dans les mois à venir

mardi, 28 mai 2019 Business Magazine

Catch a glimpse of Anthony’s interview in today’s Business Magazine, on the theme: ‘’MONÉTIQUE : La carte se dématérialise et devient virtuelle ‘’.
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Valérie Houbert - Gardienne de la Conformité

vendredi, 10 mai 2019 Essentielle Actives

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Communique for Credit Card customers and merchants

lundi, 22 avril 2019 Communique

Cim Finance Ltd is currently outsourcing its card processing activities to International Card Processing Services Ltd (‘ICPS’), a company providing card and payment processing services.
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CFSL Communiqué

vendredi, 19 avril 2019 Communiqué

The Board of CIM Finance Ltd (‘Cim Finance’) wishes to inform the clients of the company that it has...
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Communiqué du 19.04.19

vendredi, 19 avril 2019 Communique

The Board of CIM Financial Services Ltd (‘Cim Financial Services’) wishes to inform its shareholders and the investing public that its wholly owned subsidiaries CIM Finance Ltd (‘Cim Finance’) and Mauritian Eagle Leasing Company...
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MELCO Communiqué

vendredi, 19 avril 2019 Communique

Mauritian Eagle Leasing Company Limited intention to surrender the company’s deposit-taking licence.
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Entretien : Aisha Timol, Chairperson de Cim Finance

mercredi, 13 mars 2019 L'Express

Dans un entretien publié dans le quotidien l’Express, Aisha Timol, Chairperson de Cim Finance, nous dresse un constat de l'évolution de la femme dans le monde professionnel.
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